Attention is a filtering mechanism that enables us to select information and modulate its processing. It is a cognitive process by which the brain processes certain signals to the detriment of others. Attention is considered to be the gateway to learning because, without it, the brain cannot process information and record it.
Factors influencing attention
o Stress: a certain level of stress is good for attention, but beyond a certain threshold, the effects are reversed. Excessive stress can short-circuit reasoning.
o Emotions: Emotions can mobilise attention, but if they are too intense, particularly negative emotions, they can interfere with cognitive processing. Pleasant emotions, on the other hand, encourage reflection.
o Motivation: Attention is drawn to what is relevant, significant, new or motivating. There is a strong link between attention and motivation.
o Sleep: A lack of sleep can increase interruptions to attention and reaction times.
o Environment: The sensory environment influences attention.
How to improve attention :
o Reduce distractions: Avoid multitasking, sensory and emotional distractions.
o Train attention: Mindfulness exercises and meditative practices can strengthen attentional capacities.
o Use the Pomodoro technique to structure work periods and breaks.
o Structure the information: Announce the objectives and sub-objectives at the start of the learning process, and reiterate the sub-objective to be achieved in each part. Avoid presenting too much information simultaneously.
o Use several senses: Use all the senses to capture learners' attention.
o Create surprise: Use unexpected elements to stimulate attention and emotion.
Vary the activities and pace of learning.
o Take breaks to regenerate attentional resources. A break every thirty minutes is desirable.
o Focus on the process rather than the result, which allows you to relax while you work.
In short, attention is a complex process that is essential for learning. It is important to understand how it works and to implement strategies to capture, maintain and reinforce it.